Recording and Mixing – Leopold’s​ Treat (Trust Feel)

So for a class assignment, we needed to record a band with our teacher Guy Cooper. We didn’t know what kind of band to record and wasn’t sure what style to go for. But after a looking at a few different bands, Guy came up with a local Goldcoast band called Leopold’s Treat. Which was pretty cool because the band was getting pretty big on … Continue reading Recording and Mixing – Leopold’s​ Treat (Trust Feel)

Production Techniques – Setting up Guitars for recording

Recording guitars it’s a pretty straightforward process but takes a few tricks and planning to get it right. A lot of stuff comes into play while recording guitars like Unwanted noise from pedals and amps, the guitar might not be set up right causing string buzz and tuning problems. but with planning and preparation, this can be one fun task. Let’s us go through the process … Continue reading Production Techniques – Setting up Guitars for recording

Production Techniques – Using AUX Bus for effects

Once everything is recorded the first thing you need to do before you begin mixing is planning! You need to think about how you want the track to sound and what processing you will add to the mix. The first steps you should take is Get a rough Mix (Setting levels) Clean up Tracks (Unwanted noise) Label and colour tracks (Place in order) Group tracks … Continue reading Production Techniques – Using AUX Bus for effects

Production Techniques – Parallel Compression

Parallel compression So to understand parallel compression you need to understand what compression is first. So what is compression, Heres a simple overview of compression. Compressors are used to reduce the dynamic range of a signal, changing the relationship between its loudest and quietest parts. (2011, p.165). There are 5 functions you would see while using a compressor which are Threshold, Ratio, Attack, Release and make up the … Continue reading Production Techniques – Parallel Compression

Distortion Test.

What is Distortion? Distortion is when a signal or a waveform is pushed with volume causing the signal to rise in Db and even pushing frequency high causing Clipping which will equal to distortion. When recording commonly Engineers try and maintain a level of -8Db this stops things from peaking, making it easier to record and mix. Here is a short video explaining Distortion But … Continue reading Distortion Test.